
To demonstrate and validate the effectiveness of XR skills training, The XR Effect introduces a triple-helix collaboration. This collaboration reduces a lot of limitations and creates opportunities for all three partners. 

Industry Partners

The Industry Partner will provide the XR skills training equipment within projects. This equipment could for example be, XR firefighting extinguishers or even software for medical emergency training  Find out more about what an Industry Partner is and how it benefits from participating in a project.

Research Organisation

Research Organisations will come up with validation methods to demonstrate the effectiveness of the XR training equipment. A way to gather data for research could for example be questionnaires or observations. Find out more about what a Research Organisation Partner is and how it benefits from participating in a project. 

End-User Training Organisation

End-User Training Organisations will use the XR training equipment to actually train their recruits or professional students. They can participate in a project to check out the XR training equipment before actually buying it. Find out more about what an End-User Training Organisation is and how it benefits from participating in a project.

The Research Cycle